Day 7
Sunday, September 10, 2023
Today was always going to be a drive day. Both the Google and my GPS estimated the day's drive as under an hour and a half. This meant plenty of time to explore.
Considering the leaden skies to the west, the periodic lightning and the weather radar, I decided not to risk it. Shea Oliver did the hike and wrote about it on his blog.
Behind the visitors center, the park road runs five miles. Due to a partial washout and a few rock falls, the road was closed around the two mile mark. I decided to park there and walk back as far as I felt comfortable, or before the rain started.
By 11:30A, it was clear the rain wasn't going to stop anytime soon. It was time to move on. Fire and Smoke Barbecue wasn't open when I was in Kannaraville a few days before. Being the weekend, they were. I realize I live in an Eastern Time-centric world. But, it still seems strange to see football games approaching halftime this early.
Either way, it made for a colorful drive.
Sitting at 10,500 feet, it also made for a cool drive. Just imagine this. The previous day, it was 95 degrees in Zion National Park. In Brian Head...
By now you know I prefer hiking in the cold like this. So, no complaints, even with the overcast, gray skies.
The rain was starting again as I made it back to the car. With no end expected soon, it was time to just go check it the Cedar Breaks Lodge. I booked on line for a single room, nothing special. The lodge was mostly empty. Summer hiking season is past and ski season is still a while off. You can imagine my surprise when I walked into the room and it was basically an apartment. Not bad at all.
After dinner, I came back to the room and kicked off my hiking boots. A friend of mine called to ask how the trip was going. I started pacing as we talked, something I used to do even when tethered to a wall phone. Otherwise, I never would have looked through the blinds. She found it humorous to hear me describe what I was seeing as I quickly snapped a few shots of the unexpected sunset through the window.
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